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So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and remodel your home. You’ve spent the past few weeks, months, maybe even years, envisioning and re-envisioning your perfect space. Now seems like the perfect time to tackle those big projects you’ve been daydreaming about. But you’re having trouble finding a contractor to help bring your vision to life.

Contractors routinely have busy schedules and demands on their time are at an all-time high. I commonly hear how difficult it is to find a good contractor. Many are too busy to return calls or emails, show up on time to appointments, or show up at all!

Where can you find skillful and reliable help?

Friends and Family: If you are ready to embark on a home remodel, do not overlook the obvious. Trusted friends and family members will give you an honest evaluation of professionals they have previously hired. You might also consider asking your neighbors or co-workers for referrals.

Real Estate Agents: Does the real estate agent who helped you purchase your home stay in touch? If you have a relationship with a local Realtor®, they will likely know a few good contractors.

Home Inspectors: When you bought your home, was it inspected? If so, pull out that home inspection report and look up the contact info for your home inspector. Local home inspectors often know the best contractors for hire – or who not to hire.

Homeowner’s Insurance Agent: The vetting process for contractors taking on a project covered by a homeowner’s insurance claim is a thorough one. You can bet your homeowner’s insurance agent knows some quality contractors they would be happy to recommend.

National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI): Not only does NARI have a search engine for local remodelers, they provide a list of Questions to Ask contractors you may be interviewing for the job. Remember to properly vet any contractor you hire. A little extra work validating your contractor’s credentials can pay off dividends in the long run.

State or Local Builders Association: Most builders’ associations have a remodeler’s council. For example, the Indiana Builder’s Association has a list of tradesmen in addition to builders and the Builder’s Association of Greater Indianapolis has list of local remodeling contractors and tradesmen in their Remodeler Directory.

Municipalities: The authorities overseeing licensing and permitting requirements differ throughout the country, so they may be handled at the local, county and/or state level. Regardless of jurisdiction, the overseeing municipality may be able to provide recommendations for contractors. They will know who is licensed, who is not licensed, and which contractors have the highest success rate in passing permit inspections.

Online Resources: There are many popular online resources you could try as well. Here are a few for starters:

The right contractor for your home improvement project is out there somewhere! Hopefully, these suggestions help you make that connection.


Jennifer Goldsby, NMLS #591226 | VP, Renovation Lending

Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation NMLS #186805 | Equal Housing Opportunity

Disclaimer: The postings here reflect my personal opinion. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation and its management.